
-   That's MISTER Butt-head to you!
-   >>SMACK<<
-   Wherever you go, why, there you are!
-   If nature wants to commune with me it can send a fax...
-   You can not avoid it, the nose grab-er-er-er...
-   I don't THINK so!  Homey don't play dat...
-   THG sUcK!!!
-   YO!
-   Where's my FAtha?!
-   Dead puppies are no fun...
-   Bad dog!  No biscuit.
-   my dick is green.
-   /abt
-   [PAUSE]
-   Gnarly Gnu Warezzzzzzzzzzzz...
-   YO YO YO!!!  I'm Wiz, this the IcE-man... Chill it!
-   Little fluffy clouds...
-   Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse was sucking my...
-   forget it
-   Get a LIFE!
-   Gawd I hate people who write these stupid comments...
-   I NeVeR WhInE!?!?!
-   Ewwwww!!!  That's like really gross and some junk!
-   I don't use no fuckin' bad language!
-   HEY!
-   There once was a lady from Venus...
-   You got here JUST in time!  My energy box is COMPLETELY dead!!!
-   I'm so upset... I think I'm gonna HURL!!!
-   Bouncy Ball is the source of all goodness and light.
-   We... are the knights... who say... NEE!
-   ...and I'm, too sexy for this BOARD!  NO CARRIER
-   "The sun is the hot... hottiest planet--in our solar system, and it
    would burn...  And it would burn *you*, if you tried to eat it."
-   "The sun is the hot... hottiest planet--in our solar system, and it
    would burn...  And it would burn *you*, if you tried to eat it."
-   I think I'm a genius too!  BEEP!
-   HI TIM!!!
-   In Japan, nobody can hear you scream.
-   This porcupine knows his ZIP CODE!  And he has VISA!
-   Hallo!  I'm a talking parrot...  WELLcome... totheshow.
-   What?  I can't hear you through all this fog...
-   I can see the backs of my eyelids...
-   BORK!
-   YO MAMA!!!
-   Bjyrdkyr
-   ***8^I  now Homer... that's not nice...
-   OOO!  Some things you just KNOW are trouble!
-   She's REALLY gettin into it!
-   Pretty cool huh dad?
-   Oh sorry, you'll have to excuse me... my eye just fell out...
-   Don't say SPAM man!  It makes me InSaNe!!!
-   The dragons are coming!  The dragons are coming!
-   Run away!  Run away!  5,000 blue monkeys are approaching! (C) Ferd
-   Jesus saves souls...and redeems them for valuable cash prizes!
-   Foon foon, foon of the jungle, watch out for that flea! (C) Iommi
-   A spork is a spork of course, of course and nobody can talk to a spork
-   A spork is a foon by any other name.
-   Vote foon in '92.  Don't let spork in again!
-   printf("Hello, world\n");
-   The inevitable is inedible, though it may or may not be indelible.
-   The sun was hot and burned me when I tried to eat it.
-   This is a test, this is only a test, of the Emergency Comment System.
-   Hello, my name is Neuton Hok.
-   That's Neuton Hok.  Pronounced New-tun Hork.  Got it?
-   Cootys rat semen.
-   Nadsats rule!
-   YOU say Uncle!!!
-   I seem to have flown into the nasal passages of a large animal.
-   (fnord)
-   I'm perfec.
-   Aye carumba!
-   Suffer and laugh in pain.
-   Grumblemutterspit...                                         (c)92Riel
-   'Tis me!
-   Whose body was shaped like a -- "Captain to bridge!  what's happenin?"
-   I've got a message for all you kids out there today...  hEy kIds.
-   Groove IS in the heart.
-   [FORD]
-   For a good time, call the >>ROSS PEROT BBS <<
-   Is this a gay board?  (c)92 The Weenie Vendor
-   Nothin' says lovin' like a Gr0dent in the oven!
-   Are you MAN enough to fight with me? (c)92 Guile
-   Spork, spork, Spork of the jun-gle!  Watch out for that PEA!
-   Yo' mama's SOOOOO fat, when she jump in da air she get STUCK!
-   That last joke was about as funny as a lead balloon...
-   Did you remember to PUSH?
-   Shoot me now.
-   OH YEAH?!?!  Well yo' mamma's a WOMAN!
-   Damn straight!
-   G'BroagFran suggests: "Chuck-E-Cheese, please!"
-   On the sassy scale of one to ten, I'd give it a ten!  SASSY.
-   PA-LA-BRA!
-   I've FALLEN.....  And I CAN'T get UP!
-   Clap on... Clap off... Clap on, Clap off... The Clapper!
-   You know, you're just a big joke.  And you're not even funny.
-   GAME OVER MAN!!  We're all gonna DIE!  GAME OVER!!!
-   ".. or you had it you wood mite run for president to." - FIGHTER PILOT
-   Make it talk, son, make it talk!  o/~ o/~ o/~o/~ o/~  o/~o/~ o/~ o/~
    o/~ o/~ o/~o/~ o/~  o/~  o/~ o/~ o/~o/~  o/~  o/~o/~ o/~ o/~  o/~ o/~
    o/~ o/~o/~  o/~ o/~o/~o/~o/~o/~o/~o/~o/~o/~ Ok, now make it shut up.
-   A woman's body is forbidden fruit and I'm a FRUIT FLY!
-   Palabra a su madre!
-   Lay down and boogie and play dat funky muzak till you die!
-   OH YEAH?!?!  Well... FORK you!  Fork you with a spoon!
-   I'm a genus!
-   THIS
-   IS
-   A
-   In Lake Etna, nobody can hear you scream.
-   In a huge Jell-o mould, nobody can hear you scream.
-   Welcome to the next level....NOT!
-   Silly Putty is God!
-   All worship Silly Putty!
-   The (C) mark in a comment is Copyright 1992, Cardinalia, inc.
-   There's a fungus among us, a static in the attic, um.........LINE!
-   When you are alone you are the cat you are the phone you are at home.
-   Ike A rhumba!
-   Had fun at the prom? "Yeah" Heard you THREW UP on your DATE! 
-   That's odd...
-   x Tm 'm gIg   ccIg mdm!
-   We all live in a yellow subroutine...
-   Und now for zee time on Schprockets vhere vee dance.
-   Wow...
-   How'd you do your DOLE to-day?
-   Another tip, from Darek, and BK Diamond Cell... "You're welcome."
-   Who loves YOU?  ...and who do you LOVE?!
-   It's time to start... RUNNING!
-   Blood makes noise...
-   LOOK!!  The SKY!!!  It's... BLUE!!!  Run away, RUN AWAY!
-   "The shape changer was a government project created to be the ultimate
    warrior."     "So...  What went wrong?"     "It's INSANE."
-   You SMEG HEAD!
-   I'd like to lie, ship wreaked in comatose, drinking fresh, mango juice
-   Mietsarubaugh!
-   I can spel.
-   "Where's my Mr. Potatoe Head!?!" (c) Danny Boy
-   I am a confusd fish.
-   Have a nice dos!
-   Hit any key to continue...   
-   --MORE--
-   Permission to allow Pookie Bear on the Bridge, Sir?
-   Continue on thy voyage of disco
-   Don't quit your day job...
-   "Point to his genius! We're in his brain dammit, point to his genius!"
-   I am the Yin, the Yang.  The bad, the good.  I am GOD.
-   If this wasn't only a test, I'd be running like hell.
-   To err is human... to REALLY screw things up you need a COMPUTER.
-   Don't touch me!  Don't touch me!  Ouch!  Go away!  Hehehe... Hehehe...
-   Funkal Planetary Groove is the source of all goodness and light!
-   Can't we all just... get along?
-   Hello, I'm a talking parrot.  Please, talk to me.
-   Searching for room..............
-   "Oh, I'm a bonny lass and I'll dance all through the night."
-   "Fight the real enemy!"   "Go home!"
-   Money is
-   "DOS Equis....brewed for 5.0 years or until it's useless!"
-   too.many.newsgroups@edu.internet!
-   Heard you're in love with MRS. RAYBURN! 
-   Oh, sorry... The doctor's in... SANE!
-   If you drop your keys in hot lava let em go because man, they're gone!
-   Fizban: Anyone se my fireball spell?  I think the kender swalloed it..
-   Where's my hat! -Fizban the Fabulous
-   This is NOT a TOY... BOY!
-   Things that make ya go ooeeeoo, ooeeeoo, wonka wonka wonka, fwub fwub
-   squeeze, Squeeze, SQUEEZE your way to shaplier hips and thighs...
-   --LESS--
-   Hey, everyone, press /o to find out how to win BIG!
-   Tell me something that gets pinched...  "A BUTT!"
-   BASE!  how low can you go?
-   G-d! (c)92 Bruce Lee
-   ...and without further ado... It's time... to start... RUNNING!
-   Is this a JOKE?
-   Happy, happy.
-   Joy, joy...
-   *** LC's 65th Commentversary blowout bash!!! ***
-   This is a JOKE?
-   I can't BELIEVE it's not ACID! (c)92 Chemical Substitution Unlimited.
-   Spins a web... any size... Catches crooks... just like flies...
-   What is this?!  Land of fucking CRAP?!
-   Flibaldyflu!
-   In MY day we didn't haaave all these fancy CAHHHMENTS... We had DIRT.
    And we used STICKS to scribble funny little phrases into it to show
    rain always came and washed all our hard work away and we LIKED it!
-   Happy Happy, Joy Joy...
-   For a good time type //SPAM //SPAM //SPAM //HUMBUG!
-   I jam, therefore, I am...
-   The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe(McCoy)
-   Mom and Dad... Mom and Dad... Best darn parents a kid ever had...
-   "...and you get sick, fall to your knees and PRAY you die quick!"
-   "Apparently, you are anxious to see my opewation!"
-   "We are building an army of enourmous magnitude."
-   "George" is better then "Bob"!  Nyah Nyah!
-   George Foreman's....... !KO BOXING!
-   So PUNK, I hear you ate my pizza...  "Yeah, so WHAT?"  Just wondering.
-   My name... is Funkal Planetary Groove... I am here... to destroy you..
-   EIE I/O!
-   What?!  Was that a JOKE?!  I don't GET it...
-   Go!               Go!            Go!   Intruder!  Intruder!   
-   I can't BELIEVE it's not DRAIN-O! (c)2047 ChemiSub Unlimited.
-   ChemiSub Unlimited is a subsidiary of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
-   Run away!  Run away!  -Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail
-   Press /c and have hours of fun for the whole family adding comments!
-   "I oughta run em into the precinct!" "Don't you dare!"
-   "There's U2," "Who?" "Morresy... The Cure..." "Never heard of em..."
-   "Les hang it by da bed!" "I'll hang it in the ash can." "Donchu dare!"
-   I wanna stick it on the kitty!
-   How bout this grassy field...
-   Happy happy, Joy joy.  Happy happy, Joy joy
-   "...but that's it, cause me, I don't watch TV..."
-   Oh.  But that's my FAAAAAVORITE!!!
-   Why?
-   Comment saved!  Thanks for the comment!  Nice comment!  Goood comment!
-   I'm sick to bloody DEATH of lupins!!
-   As of Fourthday, Fifthmonth, Year 358, the world end.  The book closed
-   "Hey Baby... Wanna see my F-pili?  It's BIG!" - Bob the bacteria
-   I wouldn't send those to my enemies! "Oh stop!"
-   It's like EATING a FACE!
-   "...and I think you hear me knocking... And I think I'm comin in..."
-   "What if I were RO-ME-oooooh in black jeeeeans?"
-   "Dear Dave, ever mistaked a kitchen appliance for a frosty beverage?"
-   Wellll, I dunno... Where do YOU want to eat?
-   "Hai... I'm Buh-Weet... Cah yu an aye bee frainds?"
-   "like my macro???  mom says she likes it"
-   Too little is never enough...
-   I liked it so much, I bought the company!
-   STILLLLL going!       
-   Call the Tracer BBS at (310)-911-3862
-   Is it LEGAL to be this smart?!
-   What show was canceled because it was SO bad?  
-   We all live in a yellow submachine... gun...
-   Here comes God... In his Levi BIG JEANS...
-   Ya'd better chickiddy-check yourself, before you wreck yourself!
-   You know, on some planets, that would be ILLEGAL.
-   The Remington Microscreen: shaves *CLOSER* than a blade!  "THE PAIN!!"
-   You askin about that deviant gum with spots BOY?  Gimme ten laps!
-   Cineburst with flavor crystals?  Not in THIS state!
-   Happy happy joy joy happy happy...
-   I think what we need now... is a PIECE of CAKE!
-   When you look for the ATDT key on the phone, you need a break.
-   New!  Modemer's phone!  Won't dial until you press ATDT first!
-   When you're sittin in yo Chevy and you're sorta feelin heavy, DIARIA!
-   You guys give up?  Or are ya THIRSTY for MORE?
-   Who are the ad wizards that came up with THIS one?!
-   Jesus saves...passes to Moses....MOSES SCORES!!!
-   Call Aero !GodNet, home of the Darwinfish.
-   It's my opinion and it's the absolute truth.
-   Where's the beef?
-   The buck stops here.
-   The doe stops here.
-   The truck stop's here.
-   One, two, three, four... I declare a THUMB WAR!
-   It's like LIVING in HELL!!!
-   Only a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL can kill with a 5.25 inch floppy!
-   I flirted with danger, and she slapped me.
-   Have a day.
-   "Wow... sat on a pair of perky female breasts... that felt GOOD!"
-   Penis Monger Extraordinaire!
-   "Only problem is, we don't got us no KITES to fly!"
-   Are you enjoying this endlessly?
-   "Wow...sat on a Galaxy Class starship... that hurt."
-   Rielly? (c)92 uh... well... ummmm.... well SOMEONE came up with it!
-   GARG!
-   You make me SICK!  Like strawberry QUICK!
-   Your style's wack... You AIN'T the Mac... So YO, step BACK!
-   I'll be Bach.
-   I'll be Beethoven...
-   A God is a doG is a canine...
-   A Great War...A Lost Paradise...An Epic Adventure...C:\>DIR
-   "Gee...that spiritualist leader gives GREAT pah!"
-   Who knows what NEW WORD, LURKS in your dictionary?  Adee-do.
-   Hey! This is a tide chart!  "No way..."
-   Besides... the Betties dig it!  "Pig!"  >>SMACK<<  ow!
-   Honey, these ants don't have an apointment!  "HEY!"
-   I woke up this morning, and my penis was missing again...
    This happens all the time -- it's detachable.
-   I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
-   I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body.
-   MMMMMMMM!  Purrrrrrrrrrrrfect cat food!
-   You can't get away, your feet won't help you run...
-   Huh?
-   "Don't get on that ship! The book...'To Serve Man''s a COOKBOOK!"
-   Phil, we're finished... "But!..." JUST like your TAPE! "Honey please!"
-   Fu Ling Yu say: A demijohn is a toilet for midgets.
-   "Do you smoke after sex?"  "I dunno...I never really looked."
-   Fu Ling Yu say: Man who use only one finger for typing is old pecker.
-   Meat 'n Vegies
-   "Ake!  Ake Ake Ake Ake Ake!"
-   The illusion of power IS power...
-   Hi. This is Prodigy. Be polite
-   Dragonfire- Where dyslexia be fun can!
-   Nuke gay whales for Jesus!
-   The secret of life is Memory allocation error, cannot load COMMAND.
-   Debbie Does Dallas!
-   You can earn a million bucks just by Abnormal program termination.
-   Solving your love problems is EASY!  Just Divide error.
-   The Copyright 1992, Cardinalia, inc. is Copyright 1993, Drake, inc.
-   Sex on WHEELS!
-   Are you a JOKE?!  I don't get it...
-   If you were blue, what color would you be?
-   Who color is the Lone Ranger's white stallion?
-   If I turn on the water tap, a killer slug is gonna come out an EAT me?
-   You know, I finally figured it out!  Pat is actually a Stack overflow.
-   Just PUT the rat's intestine DOWN and nobody'll get hurt...
-   Life is a highway, I'm gonna ride it, all night long...
-   YoYoYo Calvin man!  Chill OUT!  The dude's just BUGGIN!
-   Ha-Ha-Ha-Hershey's... Chocolate fun... Wah-One of the all time GREATS!
-   Brass monkey... That FUNKY MONKEY!  Brass monkey junkie...
-   I amno tinthe room...
-   Gold window...ring, inject!  Backscroll the relative dog!
-   I'm FAR too superior to have an inflated ego...
-   A redwing, is a redwing, is a redwing, is a redwing, is a redwing, is 
-   Five, six, seven, dervish, I declare a THUMB SKIRMISH!
-   This here's a special message comin on, and commin on strong. Oh SING!
-   "Coach?  Why do you keep your head up your rear end during games?"
-   "Coach?  What does it feel like not to have a soul?"
-   "Coach?  What's it like not having a brain?  What's there instead?"
-   Jack says, "Hi Bob!"
-   Genesis DOES!  (What Ninten, DON'T.)
-   Hi Hubby! Guess what! I'm a goddess!!! NO, LET GO OF MY GOLD!!!
-   Parental Units (tm) should ALL be executed and shot.
-   Better Insanity Through Chemistry
-   Remember - Anything free is worth what you paid for it
-   Imagine if you will, a drowned cat slowly baking in the hot sun...
-   I'm too think to stoned
-   "For steel kuketo possesion the pallid skin?" -- Anyone ELSE on ST:DS9
-   "Always the LIMP WAYS!  The LIMP WAYS!"  -- Yet Another on ST:DS9
-   What are YOU doing here!!!
-   I have no mouth, and I must SCREAM!!!
-   Well, the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister.
-   When at home, do as the homans do... uh, wait... or was that... LINE!
-   Can you DO that in reality?!
-   Jesus loves you...Everyone else thinks you're an asshole.
-   Tuna Tuna Tuna!
-   Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
-   Ewige Blumenkraft!
-   5 Tons of Flax!
-   Excuse me...You're standing on my penis.
-   Imagine if you will: A rotting dog slowly growing fungi on the counter
-   Don't you just sit there... Don't YOU just sit there...
-   Damn G! You da bustah'.  If you don't shut up, I'll bust a cap!
-   Jesus is savoir...he can also get a good deal on a '79 Chevy.
-   Gamera is really neat. He is full of turtle meat.
-   "And if you don't vote, you're going to get a SPANKING!" >SNAP< "CUT!"
-   The (C) mark in a comment is (Couldn't help myself!) (C) GeCko '97
-   I wish they made a Game Genie for reality so I could live FOREVER!
-   I've got the conch! I've got the conch!
-   A Q is a Q by any name.
-   The world can be saved by steam!
-   It is the 16th century.
-   Neo-Santa Monica is about to E*X*P*L*O*D*E
-   Smart moms KNOW how kids' minds grow... upon SWEET PICKLES!!!
-   Yo Baby Yo Baby Yo Baby Yo: GOOD TO GO.
-   "If I get a splinter, mom gives me a cookie..."(C) Schoolhouse Rock
-   "I don't want the world; I just want your half."
-   Oh, well, I guess we'll NEVER know what "Skank" meant...
-   I refer the honorable gentleman to the reply I gave some moments ago.
-   Cage nutpunches under the hoop, pass to Scorpion, teleports, easy jam!
-   A quiescently frozen confection.
-   "Ring the alarm, another sound is dying... WHOAH! HEY! HEY!"
-   You loose 2 E-money for removing that post. "Loose? Loose E-change?!"
-   Call Decimal BBS! No ratios! >SNICKER<
-   " I like SPOONIE G..." -Beastie Boys
-   Mr. Jock, T.V. quiz Ph.D, bags few lynx.
-   The only thing colder than space is the human heart.
-   Don't WUH-rry! You're CUH-vered!
-   Solo l'amour brique l'courre.
-   WARNING! The system is busy or has become unstable. Buy OS/2.
-   "Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die."-Theo. Roosevelt
-   "Guezz what?" "What?" "That'z what!" "Thiz iz not efficient behavior."
-   "Annichen, Du bleibst bei mir-- auf das ich nicht hinunter strze."
-   "What are you people...ON DOPE?"(C) K&B
-   ber, baby.
-   Music Maker? Who uploaded this? (E-mail sysop)
-   "As they say in your world....wish thou wert there!  Ahaha-->>SMACK<<"
-   The alien bird iz very nize.  It swallowz fish and slidez on ize.
-   King Tut... Funky Tut... Rockin' Tut...
-   The unfolding of the imagination is the only true education.
-   I'm a phylum!
-   Hrm Mnf Gb Gnktzbn!
-   And I think I hear you calling... And I think you're loggin on...
-   "You must defeat ChengLong"
-   REALITY.SYS corrupted.  Re-boot universe (Y/N)?
-   Unrecoverable User Error!  Terminating current user...
-   & all the world is football shaped. It's just for me to kick in space!
-   & all the world is biscuit shaped... It's just for me to feed my face!
-   And if young Nigel says he's happy... he must be happy in his wooorld!
-   The (C) Mark in a comment REALLY IS (C) Lord Cardinal!  He was first!
-   Wouldn't be prudent.
-   Wouldn't be prunejuice.
-   "Yeah....could I have a nocab elbuod regrubeseehc?"
-   "And how may I engage Skup interlock?"
-   As of know, I have made one sixth of this board's comments.  Bite me.
-   Things may not not always sometimes not be what they don't not seem...
-   I'm NOT here to make your DICK feel good!!!
-   BRAIN.DRV caused a General Protection Fault at 0313:3426.  Rebooting..
-   And found the only girl I loved, and drowned her deep inside of me....
-   I feel so... PRETTY!!!
-   Kill a smurf.
-   Bash a smurf.
-   Bonk a smurf
-   Burn a smurf
-   Stab a smurf
-   Kill someone posting about smurfs
-   Cilia... they're SOOOOOO silly!
-   I'm laughing... now I've stopped.
-   Unless they're weird, your kids WILL eat it.
-   It is the 18th century.
-   ATDT KL-05712
-   Space-Time Allocation Error. Cannot load ANDROMEDA.  Time halted.
-   "How's my driving?  Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT"
-   Trop de rien, c'est une mauvaise chose.
-   "...Or...Not!"  (Klingon translation of Hamlet's line)
-   [A]dd [L]ist [D]elete [S]tring seach [E]dit [Q]uit : 
-   "I am thirst."
-   "I am heat."
-   Achtung!
-   Mein laymen!
-   Tien!
-   Pruning Carl!
-   "If you do not leave the right phone number we will crank call you."
-   "If you do not leave the right address, we will send you a letter bomb
-   "And that guy over there is synaptically challenged."
-   Excederin Headache number Three Five Seven
-   Excederin Headache #.357:
-   \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
-   Three sardine cans...
-   Comments -=>
-   The (C) mark in a comment is US Patent #329872, CardyCo.  Beat THAT!
-   Did you say I can achieve homeostasis?  BAM!  I'm there.
-   Heeeeeeere they come to snuff the rooster!
-   I am, therefore I think.
-   Copulo ergo sum.
-   "My God!  What're you trying to do -- KILL ME?"  "I think so."
-   "US Patent #329872, CardyCo." is (C) 1993, Dragonfire Enterprises. HA!
-   Ferd: "Yes, and I recently re-named my cat Satori 5000XL."
-   Fireball spell:"Anyone see Fizban?  I think the kender swallowed him."
-   0042- TCENNOC
-   If you can't read this sign, call 1-800-USA-READ!!!
-   Look at that detachable penis...THAT I JUST PAID FOR!
-   Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice.
    Pull down your pants and slide on the ice.
-   Oh, SCREW!!!
-   "Hello, neighbor.  Can you say, 'spank me like a bad puppy dog'?"
-   "Hahaha!  J'ai mes oeufs de guerre mainenant!"
-   "Aww, zippers!  now my oeufs de guerre are stuck in the chamber!"
-   My name is PRINCE!  And I am FUNKY!  My name is >>SMACK<<
-   One bad apple releases ethylene gas more rapidly and spoils the barrel
-   Silly rabbit!  Trix are for KIDS!
-   Silly rabbi, kicks are for TRIDS!
-   Go Skipper! Go Skipper!  Wow!  What a trick!  Now, do your KICK!
-   That last joke was about as funny as a sandpaper condom...
-   Excuse me while I jump up and click my heels...
-   Push da little daisies an make em come up!
-   Well dip me in chocolate and call me a bon bon!
-   Oh COME ON ma!  How d'you espect me ta drive this'ing?!
-   I want to be good, but good is being simple...
-   If one is a God...why does he have to go through a SysOp first?
-   If one is a SysOp...why does he have to go through a God first?
-   "This tagline is .umop apisdn"
-   "Bad spelling virus strikes UCLA dormitory.  Fil t ven."
-   I hope this expanding bug doesn't expand to the comments, because 33
-   User error: Bad or missing brain.  Press F1 to go on or DEL for setup.
-   You are what you are not.
-   I want you to poke my eye out and make love to my skull!!
-   Seven, eight, nine, ACK!  I declare a THUMB ATTACK!
-   Monkey gism is part of a complete breakfast
-   My ass isn't that tight.
-   Memory Allocation Error.  Cannot load NAMES.  Speech halted.
-   It's still singing     lalalalalalalala (not Midnight)
-   Silly faggat, Dix are for chix
-   Crush me if you dare, I WILL attack you! - defeated SFII character
-   Tom looked up at the bird who had been staring at him  >>>SPLAT<<<
-   God is REAL, unless declared INTEGER.
-   You're SCSI and your motherboard addresses you funny.
-   "A bullet in da head is how I greecha!" - Dead Mike
-   I laughed for MANY moons...
-   I like traffic lights in June (&(&*^(&*(%&^%&^%$ ahh, phone noise?la
-   Yes means NO and NO means Yes, do you want me to hit you?
-   Want any goats?
-   Excuse me my most honorable friend, but you're blocking my karma.
-   And this is a no-poppin', fun-stoppin', coffin-cool, VAMPIRE!
-   <<<<<<<<<۲DAD>>>>>>>>>>
-   I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...sleep all night and work all da-ay.
-   How was *I* to know we would rock so hard this afternoon?!
-   All those that destroy me will be opposed! - Another defeated SFII guy
-   "Number nine...number nine...number nine...number nine..."
-   "My get up and go just got up and went."
-   "Someone stole all my clues and I haven't a clue where to find them."
-   Bobby Ingles has a problem. He needs to earn the respect of his peers.
-   You can't make salad for your family tonight, and we know it.
-   You forgot to defrost the chicken!
-   And thus the Frogelworp did end his life in vain, and all hope 
-   HAPPY FACES:  :) |) !) %) &( I)
-   Pop it in the coochie
-   And Pete's calculator flies out the back and like, flips a TRUCK over!
-   Whoa!  I wouldn't give this guy's troubles to a monkey on a rock!
-   I was here                      and here             and here
-   Push your boobs up to your chin and smile!
-   OH MY GOD! He's got....MICE! Look, they're breeding in the windows!
-   Buy it, drink it, take it, Cool it...Silver Bul-let!
-   In 10 seconds your computer will blow up unless you press ""/O""
-   He's a lumberjack 'n he's okay..'e sleeps all night 'n works all da-ay
-   Est-ce que vous parlez francais?  Est-ce que vous etes bete?  Oui
-   Roger Rabbit for mayor!
-   I've got a license to thrill, and I'm gonna USE IT!
-   Bad or missing HEART.DRV, system halted.
-   Well transform me into a rock and call me a rock!
-   Would you forgive me if I donated to the United Negro College Fund?
-   Hey, stop looking at me like that!
-   This WWIV program is (c) 1993 Cheese Grater Productions Inc.
-   Where's the excitement?  I'm just not seeing it...
-   The secret to cold fusion is Sector Not Found, (A)bort, (F)ail?
-   Well, I guess I'll just have to (A)bort, (R)etry or (F)ail.
-   (A)bort, (R)etry or (F)ail = ARF.  Arf!  Arf Arf!!!
-   Yo bay-bee... I got a LICENSE to LOVE!
-   Quayle and Elvis for Presidency '96
-   'Cuz smoking and tripping is all that you do..etc..
-   Shiny, shiny, lifetime behind me...
-   I'm Captain Jack Klaric. If you have a Club, use it.
-   Launch 35 programs with the right button! Win 3.1 million dollars!
-   My name is Yon Yonson, I come from Wisconsin...
-   Things are more like they are now then they ever were before!
-   I. Am. In. Sane.
-   You know, I often think >>SMACK<<   HEY! What was THAT for?!
-   !!!TRiBE!!!  A fragrance UPrising!  >>SMACK<< >>SMACK<< >>SMACK<< >>SM
-   Excuse me sir, but do you perchance have an extra bottle of Frop?
-   Did someone say 'french cut panties'?  BAM!  I'm there!
-   Hola, Que tal?  Estoy muy bueno?
-   Juwajuwawawbee
-   I am here to invade your computer system...really, uh-oh, out of spac-
-   Call the Information Abounds BBS at: (310) 411-4572
-   A shameless ad by God, "Thou shalt pray!"
-   I can feel you touching my screen!
-   You call that a command?
-   Bad Command or File Error
-   Random #1 says, "I don't know what's wrong with it."
-   Random #1 says, "Gimme more money for some hot babes!"
-   "Once a head crusher, always a headcrusher!"
-   Yo!  I'm out like Bustah Douglas!  PEACE!
-   And I'm cool like that... I'm cool like that... I'm cool like that...
-   Whatdya say Ump?  YOu'RE OuTTa HErE!!!!
-   And to bald people everywhere, YOU'RE WELCOME!
-   Send monotheists to hell
-   Wow...I'm sooooooooo cool.
-   If today were a fish I'd throw it back...
-   Yeah, but I'm the sysop, and *I* say the (C) mark is MINE!
-   Would that be: "Call integer BBS!  No ratios!"?
-   Boo! We changed Coke again, bllagh!!!
-   Sex.        WHERE!!!       Ya missed it...
-   RRRRIIIIIIPPPPP    oops, I think that was the rope
-   Who? What? Where? How? HUH?         Exactly....
-   She's buck nekked
-   Let's set something on fire and dance naked around it.
-   Have day nice, yes, no, yes...
-   Who are you, and what are you doing in my underwear?
-   So the defendant was forcibly making you listen to Barry Manilow?
-   Is this some new definition of the word "safe" I not aware of?
-   Knit one, pearl jam two...  No, wait, that's not it... TEACHER!
-   My cow died so I don't need your bull anymore.
-   186,000 miles/sec:  Not just a good idea, it's the LAW.
-   Ask not for whom the bell tolls; let the machine get it
-   **NEWS FLASH** Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
-   Illiterate?  Write for free help.
-   I just bought a cured ham.  Wonder what was wrong with it?
-   Syntax Error! - My reality check just cleared.
-   "She's so fat that when she sings, it's over."
-   That's not line noise -- my modem's speaking in tongues!
-   We've experienced a 360-degree turnaround...
-   Many a family tree needs trimming.
-   Okay, I pulled the pin.  Now what?  Where are you going?
-   I parked my hard disk - and got a ticket!
-   Xerox never comes up with anything original.
-   (A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large hammer
-   Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
-   YES!  But does anyone REALLY know what a kender looks like?
-   Groovy man, just, like, totally cosmicly far-out... whhhooooaaa...
-   RADIO IN CAR? Maybe there is, maybe not.
-   With President Un-Carter in Maine, this is Roland Hedley. [VROOM]
-   I smile at the engine block? -Boopsie
-   If Rolaids is spelled R-E-L-I-E-F, how do you spell relief?
-   DAMNIT, somebody let me out of this stupid comment box! Hello?
-   VISIT the reactor room, where K-rads mean something completely diff..
-   Ah so this is the infamous Urine Man, unmasked at long last.
-   Good sir! Your genitals are showing!
-   Sit on my face and tell me that you love me! I'll sit on your face...
-   What's the buzz tell me what its all about, what's the buzz?...
-   Officer, she yodeled and yodeled and just wouldn't stop!
-   Loook! the Sistine Chapel was designed by Ferruchi!
-   My god, its, its, its, so, so...... Cute and cuddly and soft!
-     Bring me ten women...
-   Please.  Lick my scrotum.  Thank you.
-   Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat
-   Anything you get free costs more than it's worth
-   If it's sinful, it's more fun.
-   I shot an error into the air. It's still going... EVERYWHERE
-   Ron Howard pops the clutch and tells the world to EAT MY DUST!
-   Peace, love, and oodles of 42
-   Peace, love and croutons, man. That's all you need.
-   Message Base [1] -=> Main Menu <=-
-   If on a hijaked airplane, don't yell out 'Get him' every ten minutes
-   Call George's Barn today...get all the fresh goat cheese you need.....
-   coolne ibus orum ne (I took my l'š with me)
-   k00l, d00d, gr0dent 0
-   I would've made this a funny comment but this thing dropped *^&%*^%$%$
-   Croutons Croutons Croutons Croutons Croutons Croutons Crou..
-   Remember, now all you hoopy froods:  Just Say Ohm!
-   White Rabbit IS God!  Bow down and worship!
-   Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefitted? Who had the power to cover it?
-   It's a mystery wrapped up in a puzzle inside an enigma!
-   May a burly person take exception to the way your face is arranged.
-   Your momma's like a shotgun, one cock and she blows!
-   Your momma's like an egg, always getting layed!
-   Klaus!  What do you want with your jugged fish?
-   I think I need a stiff drink, damn can't get it out of the glass...
-   //QSCAM
-   //QSCAM
-   Undulating, sweaty bodies... Just imagine that....
-   If this is a severed head I'm going to be very upset...
-   We fear change.   -G. Algar
-   "Who could've predicted that Dr. Grant would jump from a moving car?"
-   "We sell those fish to the tuna 50 mil a day."
-   "Are those auto..uh..erotica?"
-   Small Yellow Nuprin....
-   U.S. Patent #297823764, Dragonfire, is ISBN 39874-38, LC Publishing.
-   ARGH!  My BRAIN!!!
-   "Hooters!  Hoosters, Peter, hoosters!"
-   History is the mortal enemy of Life
-   Welcome!  My name is Bob, at your cervix!
-   Did someone say, "Sassy"?  VERRY Sassy.
-   B-b is NOTHING!  Worship G-orge!  G-orge is EVERYTHING!
-   The WiLd card?!  This drink is FREE!
-   I predict the world will end in 1993!
    But sir, isn't it 1994?
-   huh huh... I'd like a hundred thousand...... CHICKS!
-   dir  "You call that a command?!  THIS is a command!"  del *.*
-   five-four-three-two, I declare a thumb coup!
-   No really!  I'm trapped in the comment editor!  SOMEBODY LISTEN TO ME!
-   "Zere is sauerkraut in my lederhosen."
-   It is obvious to me that you, SIR, would like to EAT MY PANTS!!!
-   Lovely lake... In your BASEMENT! - Miscellaneous plumber
-   Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear.  -B. Murray
-   Is that a toothpick in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
-   Do that again and you'll die with your boots on!
-   Now, See? The economy is like a lizard wearing lipstick.  -R. Perot
-   It's enough to make you bite the balls of a gorilla.  -M. Gwynne
-   You snooze - you lose. You pass out - you get pissed on.
-   What God wants, God gets.  God help us all.  -R. Waters
-   Excuse me ma'am, this species has amused itself to death.
-   Hell is for children.
-   I'm Chainsaw, this is Dave and we'll see you...  at the movies.
-   All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players...
-   There is unrest in the forest, there is trouble with the trees.
-   Ouch.  Sat on my public apology.  That hurt.
-   Duran Duran: The band so nice, they named it TWICE!
-   ...with the snappy fresh taste of roadkill baked right in!
-   Now the light commands, "This is my home. I'm coming home."
-   Gangsters, thugs, and smugglers are thouroughly respected!
-   Where does it go from here? Is it down to the lake, I fear?
-   When you are alone, you are the CAT, you are the BONE...
-   Not ponytails nor cottontails, no. DuckTales.
-   C'mon y'all, it's time to get nice.
-   "Like a perfect little gentleman." "WHOA!"
-   You're so [very] special...
-   "Your favourite shirt is on the bed, it slips over your head. Wah!"
-   Wow, SAT. That hurt.
-   Hey, man! We don't like Kevin & Bean, man!
-   1 e4 c5  2 Nf3 d6  3 d4 cxd4  4 Nxd4 Nf6  5 Nc3 g6
-   MCI codes: the joke that WILL NOT DIE!!!
-   Thunder... Thunder... Thunder...
-                                                   <- Invisible comment.
-   Now, for example, the Tigersharks. They were weird.
-   The best place to hear KROQ music is your tympanic membrane.
-   Dammit!!! I feel like having some fish 'n' chips!!!
-   But you turn right over to the TV page...
-   20,000 miles to an oasis...
-   When you were young and on your own, how did it feel to be alone?
-   H-A-R-V-E-Y MMM-U-D-D!!!
-   "And in this container we have a milklike substance." -Marc Summers
-   Hip Hop Ol!
-   The devolution will be televised.
-   "Flying through hyperspace... in a computer interface." - Trans-X
-   I heard you on the wireless back in '52...
-   Lying awake intently tuning in on you...
-   They took the credit for your second symphony...
-   They rerecorded it on New Technology...
-   Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto!
-   GOD! Does anyone get it? The Mysterious Cities Of Gold!
-   It's going to be a fine night tonight, la la la la la dee da do da...
-   The Earth is an Indian Thing
-   She's the one they're going to miss, in lots of ways.
-   A tourist is a terrorist with a camera,
-   Hi Mom. Hi Dad.    FROM JAIL!!!
-   Dream on white boy... Dream on black girl...
-   But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me just how I should feel today.
-   The Pfabulous Pfaucet with the Pfucked-up Name.
-   Now don't look so aust! Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust. [aust?]
-   Zetra-attack!
-   "You DICK!"
-   "You're the most dangerous man I've ever met! And you're wacky!" -S.R.
-   "No, I'm not wacky! I'm a genius!"
-   Esteban.
-   Zia.
-   Tao.
-   The Golden Condor.
-   Mendoza.
-   Sancho.
-   Pedro.
-   And Cocoapetal.
-   And three seagulls fly over the wide ocean's waves, into the sunset.
-   [Fade out.]
-   Based on a story by Scott O'Dell.
-   Music by Haim Saban and Shuki Levy.
-   Shpiiiidah!
-   He is our hero.
-   Must... stop!!
-   We love you, Spider.
-   Where does it go from here? is it down to the lake, I fear?
-   All you really need to know about life is on KROQ... first.
-   Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup.
-   It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.
-   Excuses are like butts.  Everyone's got one and they all stink!
-   And so, the ergonomically designed cellular frisbees made their move..
-   "It's new, it's cute, it's the remote-control Baroque Lute!"
-   Poor dan is in a droop
-   I'm a lasagna hog
-   Go hang a salami
-   Spatial allocation error, cannot load TIME -- System Halted
-   "Don't just eat the hamburger, eat the HELL out of it!"
-   Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a forklift!
-   Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a blender!
-   Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a toothbrush!
-   I have a BEAUTIFUL ass -- "HEE-HAW"
-   "We look for things that make us go" -- Some stupid aliens...
-   System Operator Error - Replace and try again
-   Fatal User Error - Terminating current user
-   Keyboard broken or missing - press  to continue.
-   putch(); Purpose: Displays a character without echoing to the screen.
-   "That's my date, Helga."  "You crossed the international date line?"
-   In Bath, Ohio, nobody can hear you scream.
-   In Cyberspace, nobody cares if you scream.
-   "Cut!"  "Ow!"  "CUT!"  "OW!"  "CUT!!"  "AAAAH!  YOU'RE HURTING ME!!!!"
-   "We're getting some [bowel] movement with Elizabeth"
-   "Here we have a spacial paradox caused by interleaved pocketting."
-   PowerBait: One taste, and you're hooked!
-   One day, I shall extract my revenge...using a pair of pliers...
-   You can tune a piano but you can't TUNAFISH!!!  BAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha..
-   Thunder...  Thunder.  THUNDERCATS!  HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-   Barney.  Must.  Die.
-   So...  Is that cephalopod coelemate, or acoelemate?
-   The first American in space was a RUSSIAN!
-   I, Lord Cardinal, have posted 1835 messages.  HA!
-   "Women should be obscene and not heard" --R. Heinlein
-   Definition of underkill: void main() { }
-   "My TOEJAM has ATROPHIED!!!"
-   .-.--.---..--..-..--...-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-...--.-..--.--.  Okay?
-   Comment saved!  Thanks for the comment!  Users shall kill you soon!
-   WellYouSeeDearReadersImRamblingWithoutCauseOrSenseBecauseIAmCrazy!
-   Oh my GAWD!  It's Oat, the evil anti-Tao!!!
-   Thou art God.
-   Love is Abnormal Program Termination.
-   Love is EMM386 Exception Error #7
-   A man with 1 watch knows the time.  A man with 2 is never sure.
-   "Don't argue with me!"  "I'm NOT!"  "I SAID don't ARGUE!"
-   Love is a Memory Allocation Error -- System Halted
-   Where you were go, why there I are!
-   Love is Not Enough Memory
-   I'm gonna go extract my revenge...with a hypodermic.
-   I'm a flaugher...
-   Zeit geht zu Einbahn!   -J. Gwynne
-   He's tanned, he's rested, he's ready:  Nixon in '96!!!!!
-   Palindrome:Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog!
-   Hey uh...  What's the deal with all these...  Comments?
-   Must go faster!  Light now green but soon turn yellow, then red!
-   Weiner Dude Alert! Weiner Dude Alert!
-   Are you going to drop the bomb on us?
-   Tollbooth: 25 cents.
-   Dragonfire: a crucial world order.
-   A terrorist is a tourist with a gun.
-   Reach up here, grab the flag, and win THIS!
-   Your mom threw away your best porno mag!
-   Are you a K-RAD *ELITE* Wares K00L D00D?
-   Valerie's dancing in the room above my bed, you know.
-   If it weren't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointments.
-   In the chamber of hellos... Hello! Hello! Hello!
-   When you're in a room with no door, a kiss is not enough.
-   Methinks you should hit the CHR$(13) RIGHT NOW...
-   When you're in a room with no door, a kiss is not enough.
-   Hundoj estas bestoj.
-   So how many sig figs does the thermometer on a can of salsa have?
-   And now, ladies and gentlemen, Countless Screaming Argonauts!
-   "Son, I am able," she said, "Though you scare me."
-    See the spring of the grandfather clock unwinding...
-   Egad, a base tone denotes a bad age.
-   And I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you DAMN kids!
-   I don't want the world, I just want your hat.
-   Why should I let YOU be the judge?
-   You ARE enjoying this... endlessly....
-   Great Caesar's ghost! Secrets!
-   Bueller?    Bueller?    Bueller?    Bueller?
-   Hey: we'll make great pets.
-   Gangsters, thugs, and smugglers are thoroughly respected!
-   And that was against your Aunt Rose!
-   Oh no!  It's Aiz, anti-Zia!!!!
-   Oh no!  It's Nabeste, the anti-Esteban!!!!
-   "I will masturbate and then destroy you." -The anti-Dhalsim.
-   Did we goof up your car today?
-   C'mon! I couldn't leave before Jasmine did her dance!
-   Well, good thing I got my hand stamped.
-   What are you now, the Log-on King?
-   What do I look like to you? Korean-amuser?
-   Hola!  I'm paradise Pete!  Welcome to PARADISE!
-   You like'a de comments?  Ze comments is gd?  We get you more comments
-   NOW!  With 20% more NITRATES!
-   "Where's Cathy?"  "She's coming."  "Oh, that's why she's late."
-   Take not God's name in vain -- select a time when it will have effect.
-   AAAAGH!  I've lost my SLACK!
-   "Oh, how may we appease thee, Memtok the Flatulent?"
-   The buck stops here
-   I'm fine, but somebody's obviously having a bad hair day.
-   Ouch...sat on my best porno mag...that hurt.
-   Ouch...sat on Love.  That hurt.
-   Ouch...sat on a Black & Decker food processor/blender...that hurt.
-   TH0
-   TH0
-   Abundant food consumables with potato wafers and ENLARGED FLUID UNIT!
-   Have you had a Werther's Original today?
-   Bloody boxcar boxing.
-   YES!! I made those damn dots move! Twice!
-   Sale! Sale!
-   "I am no longer fooled."    -Thieve's Market customer
-   "I am longer fooled."
-   Without futher ado... it's time to start RUNNING!
-   It is with great pleasure and no apology that we start this one.
-   I hanker for a hunk of, a slab, a slice, or chunk of...
-   Schoolhouse Rocky, a chip off the block of your favorite schoolhouse,
-   >>>WHAP<<<, there it is...
-   Hi.
-   Little Jack Horner, sittin' on a corner, with no shoes and clothes...
-   The money gets divided, the women get excited...
-   Another day, another mind-boggling adventure.
-   Go from this... to THIS!
-   Spin 360 degrees for green cheese!
-   The perfect comment is the comment of death.
-   MTV is like a _____ overflowing with _____.
-   Something new has been added!
-   No city; it's a pity, cause I dress divine!
-   Oh no! It's Latepaococ, the anti-Cocoapetal!
-   Poki! Poki!
-   "That would be... EXCELLENT!" -Diz McNally
-   "Easy jam!"
-   "Ohhhhhhhhhh..... Boom-shaka-laka!"
-   "Puts up a brick... Gets the lucky bounce!"
-   "Pulsar por este?"  "I think he wants your WATCH, honey!"
-   "In the chamber of hellos, hello, hello, hello!"
-   King Jeremy: The Feeple.
-   "Anyone who's everything is a Taoist."
-   "Savoir Faire Is Everywhere!"
-   Elvis Presley rode his Harley smoking >UUNH!< >UUNH!< >UH-UUNH!<
-   I don't think you know just how cool that is.
-   Yo momma's ass's so wide, when she backs up, it beeps!
-   Kender?  What's that taste like?
-   We were hired to kill you.  Unless you can make a better offer?
-   Dwarves make good dinner companions.  Appetizers, too.
-   The only good Calidian is the one I just ate.
-   How's my posting?  Call 1-800-POST-ME.
-   (2*B) || !(2*B)  - was that your question?
-   if((2b) || (!2b)) { cout << "That is the question"; }
-   I want SVGA.  NOW!
-   Give a monkey a brain and he'll SWEAR he's the center of the universe!
-   As they say at the postal office, "Here's lookin up your address!"
-   Bad comment or file error.  Hit return for next comment.
-   What's brown and sounds like a bell?  DUNG!
-   To recieve SysOp access please hit Cntrl-Alt-Del NOW!!
-   All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others...
-   Shut up fore I pack you in a cr8 and ship you air fr8 to kuw8!  L8r.
-   DUH!
-   I love it when you touch my keys like that!!
-   YEAH!  I'm down with OOP!  Object Oriented Programming BAY-BEE!
-   And you're almost there, and she STILL doesn't care...
-   Bob is part of everyone, don't resist the power of BOB!
-   I have been hideously mangled in a train accident, please shoot me.
-   Dee-lite-ful... TRULY Deeeee-lite-ful...
-   Ha!  I've achieved a state of Nirvana and you havn't!  BITE ME!
-   Women... Can't live WITH em... ... .(And??)  And what?  (Sigh)  What?!
-   Taoism it all!
-   "Eat green, slimey, purple stuff," G'BroagFran suggests...
-   "BITE ME!" G'BroagFran suggests...
-   "Who's G'BroagFran?" G'BroagFran suggests...
-   cout << GetRandomStatement(); << " G'BroagFran suggests...\r\n";
-   It's a roundy thing me mum sticks in the toastah.
-   It tastes like it's got BUTTER inside!!!  OH MY GOD!!!  >>SMACK<<
-   Well Twenty-One Skiddoo to you, too!
-   Look guys, I'm serious, I'm trapped in here!  FOR GOD'S SAKE, HELP ME!
-   Keyboard destroyed by a small nuclear device.  Hit  to continue.
-   TrIbE!  A fragrance uprising!              
-   Especially in December, cover your member.
-   Give a human a monkey brain and he'll swear he's on LSD.
-   "All of their nifty little vehicles have seatbelts." - SdS on the RR's
-   they're all stuck.
-   look at me.
-   Silence is gray.
-   Silence is golden.
-   Silence is a stone in my mouth.
-   17 years...
-   nobody can see me.
-   what is she thinking?
-   How'm I gonna do this?
-   Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
-   You die, you turn to dust.
-   He who sows in tears shall reap in joy.
-   don't throw your hand.
-   I'll talk when I want to.
-   Why won't you answer me?
-   Vamos a perder toda nuestra dignidad.
-   No tenemos mas tiempo.
-   Then I can grieve...
-   Then I can grieve... grievances forgone.
-   she's gone.
-   Leave me alone.
-   Some day mother will die and I'll get the monkey...
-   Or MAYBE you don't know how cool that is...
-   "It's got me by my soul... DON'T SQUEEZE!"
-   (c)1993 ZebraHack Technologies, Inc.
-   "I have just discovered something that is really great."
-   GUY! You're always jumping someone else's train!
-   "Do you love KROQ? Do you worship the radio?"
-   "Might take a little crime... to come on Dawn."
-   The new REM/U2 collaboration album: Automatic For Tongue, Baby.
-   WITH the sky-HOOK!
-   "Higher education got you down? >SNAP< into a Slim Jim!!! Ohh YEAHH!!"
-   Here they come to >>STUFF<<< the rooster! Ohh YEAH!!
-   No, but it could be: "Call Irrational BBS! No ratios!"
-   "Wow, sat on MY OWN ASS. That hurt."
-   "Wow, sat on a spork.  That hurt, but it's still my FAAVOURITE!"
-   "Are you comfortable?" "It doesn't get better than this."
-   "It doesn't get comfortable." "Are you no better than this?"
-   I have no eyes, and yet I must SLEEP!!!
-   Hiiiiigh.....  Iii'm a ten-tac-cle... - oO(
-   Divorce: The screwing you get for the screwing you got
-   Ha.                           Ha.                             Ha.
-   "Not much between despair and ecstasy."
-   "It's Iceland... or the Phillipines... or Hastings... or this place!"
-   Oh Golden Dragon, it's another comment...
-   "It was a FREAK-A-THON!" (hit) (HIT) (HIT)
-   You find yourself having sex in the back of a car...
-   Or was it sucking the FLeShSicKLe?!
-   And you're nearly there, and she STILL doesn't care...
-   And there's something wrong... something that you've forgot...
-   Well, even *you* hate those.
-   Ooh. Sporkidork.
-   "Then the bullet made a dramatic *U-TURN*..." 
-   I wish whoever writes those damn computer comments would FATAL ERROR
-   Well, just wait till I'm 21 and tell them all to sod off!
-   Life's a bitch...then you marry one!
-   It's a choice between cab fare home and a packet of cigarettes...
-   So you choose, and the money sticks in the machine...
-   And the manager says, "Tough shit! Drink up and leave."
-   Hey everybody stop by and get your new BALLS OF SUMMER!
-   Silence is Golden... Dragon...
-   Well, I remeber it as if it were though a meal ago...
-   I WOULD get into a battle of wits with you but I see you're unarmed.
-   If 10% is good enough for Jesus it should be good enough for Uncle Sam
-    O/
    / \
-   I have this recuring nightmare that I'm going to die with my bed made.
-   Will you stop SAYING that!?!  I am NOT a giant liver!!!
-   Dave!  You killed plate spinner, Matt Love!!!
-   "There's a really odd guy getting off the bus... Is that anything?"
-   If I wanted to take a vacation, it WOULDN'T be a guilt trip!
-   >Gulp-ump< >Gulp-ump< >Gulp-ump< >Gulp-ump< >Gulp-ump<... FREE!!!
-   "Ready...set...FUCK!  SHIT!!  OWWWW!!!"
-   "Ready for tomorrow?"  "I got rope, a harness, and spikes."
-   "Ouch...sat on my Gravis GamePad...that didn't really hurt."
-   "How much wood could a wood chuck fuck,'ermind..."
-   How does half a nation destroy the grapefruit?
-   "The government...[sucks]."  -- Bill Clinton
-   Mmmmm...  This user would make a GREAT pet!  Joe, prepare the charge..
-   In space, North is not a direction.
-   Oh yeah?!  Well you can just GO AWAY!!
-   Where's my pen?!  Where's my PEN!?!  WHERE'S MY PEN!?!?  MY PEN!!!!
-   Today is DEFINITELY the 19th!  Maybe.
-   Time passes, will you?
-   Wow. This  is the 1562nd post. I feel so special
-   GD is a recluse
-   "Something furry just went between my legs."  -GC Dr. Whom
-   "I just LOOOOVE adding comments... "      (C) LC, 199X
-   Have you ever noticed how people's intellectual curiosity declines
    sharply the moment they start waving guns around?
-   Let's have another piece of coffee...  Let's have another cup of pie!
-   ATM: 'ALL that MONEY!'
-   More people have learned BASIC than have Norwegian, Danish, or Swedish
-   Sex Dwarf! Sex Dwarf! OK! OK! it was 4 AM, gimme a break!
-   Anyway, it sounds a lot like `tool'...
-   Just teasin. Ole', buddy!!
-   I am NOT an atomic playboy!!!
-   Ten seconds to transmission.....  Transmission.
-   You're NEVER on time and your ear is responsible!
-   Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
-   Life is a lemon and I want my money back.
-   Life definition:  Not a through street.
-   Life definition:  Avoid it at all costs.
-   Life definition:  Use of this product may be hazardous to your health
-   I would do anything for love, but I won't do that.
-   The only thing colder than space is the human heart.
-   In space, no one can hear you scream.
-   Enchanted girlfriend? BAM, I'm in there!
-    (c)'93 am fi
-   Attention Stone Temple Passengers...
-   Has anyone seen Riel?  I think the fireball swallowed him...
-   I'm just an elected official, I can't make decisions!
-   April?  What kind of a name is that?  It's a month, not a person...
-   If ignorance caused pain, you'd be home by now.
-   I don't know either, but it's crawling up your esophagus.
-   <=) is (C) StarStorm Enterprises.
-   I've done enough drugs to conclude that research is _not_ harmful.
-   So then Clinton says, and I quote, "The government [REALLY sucks]..."
-   "Oh great squiggly thing, we worship thee!"
-   "Attention: The SmartBuilding Control Unit is insane."
-   Whoooot, there's the owl!  Whooot!  There's the owl!
-   "I tinka der problem iski yer head!" -- Freud
-   Doncha just love these quotes... you can do it all day!
-   Wow, You are the 199119th caller!!  Here's 255 SL!  The Sysop Pass is:
-   Bad USER.DAT file.  Execute USER? Yes
-   WHAT?!?  Only 351 out of 1667 comments?!?!!  I used to have HALF!!
-   I'd like to give a shout out to da man dat wrote this mod. MUCH props.
-   How ya like me now?
-   You know, ya just MOOCH, MOOCH, MOOCH. You're such a MOOCHER!
-   Two to watch that belly get fatter, please.
-   Don't call me daughter. That is really messed up.
-   Were my killer combos too much for your MOM?!?
-   "Tag! You're God!"
-   KILL radio... CRUSH radio... DESTROY radio...
-   "Will these windows change my ORIGINAL document?!?"
-   "Insert more coins for additional time."
-   If ignorance caused pain, you'd be home by now.
-   BUTT ON YOUR FLY??? Nasty!
-   Once you touch it, you can't keep your hands off of it. 
-   You can call me anything just don't call me daughter...
-   reality is for wusses who can't handle drugs handle drugs handle drugs
-   Psalm 47: The way to ream and the way to ITR.
-   Lift your leg, my fish is dead!
-   "You must *love* Dunkaroos!"
-   And I feel like Robin Hood... No wait, that Moor. "Allah forbids it."
-   Mine is the last voice you will ever hear. Don't be alarmed.
-   Line integrals? Screw line integrals! Let's see some CLEAVAGE!!!
-   Warning: use of alcohol may intensify the effects of this drug.
-   Love weakens us.
-   "Chewey!"-Wildcard when his head was between Jenn's legs.
-   No comment? BAD doggie!
-   Smiley? Hey, I wanna put it on the kitty!
-   The last one in the STATE of LOS ANGELES! (C)FerdCo
-   Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
-   Here we are all gathered, in what seems to be the center of the storm
-   Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be
    persecuted, persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished,
    persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
-   Life Definition: An interesting game.  The best move is not to play.
-   Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?
-   How about a nice game of chess?
-   So this is life in the so called space age.
-   "And America, you get 200 grapes!"
-   "We're going to amputate everything but your head."
-   I like you... touch me some more... 
-   Caress your fingers across my keyboard!
-   Hi, you've reached 911... Please Hold...
-   Et tu Brute?  No, te ut eturB!
-   Did u say I was sumwon who coodn't spel?
-   Why sleep when you can watch the sun rise?
-   And remember the truth that once as spoken: to love another person is
    to see the face of god.
-   How much sump would a sump pump pump if a sump pump could pump sump?
-   With pistashmios!  With pishmasmios!  With mishmashmimos!
    Uh, with yogurt.
-   Whoomph!  There it went.
-   Straight on the music with the phony gas chamber cause one's got a
    weasel and the other's got a flag...  One's on the pole, shove the
    other in a bag with the re-run shows, and the cole-king nose jobs...
    The daytime crap and the funk singer's clap...  "STOP!!!"
-   Lucy in the sky with Diamonds... da da da .... =)
-   Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm... -CTD-
-   #ifdef GET_A_HEARING_AID
-   Madam I'm Adam
-   Whoo hoo!
-   Doh!
-   War is not healthy for children and other living things.
-   Your mind is like a parachute: it does not work unless it is OPENED!
-   Love is special.
-   It's better to burn out then just fade away!
-   Duh...  OK!
-   I could keel you weeth mah thumb.
-   Word of the day: MOOOOOOOMIIIIIIEE!!!
-   When you fish upon a star, you will fish with no wa-tar!
-   Comment come HOOOOOOME!!
-   Crystal Pepsi.  What's up with THAT?
-   You've got a parking violation and a Maggot up your sleeve...
-   Steal my money!   -Kaastel the Blue
-   Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.
-   "I dawanna."  -- Hoagie
-   "Bitchin'!"  -- Hoagie
-   "Neat!" -- Bernard
-   Sometimes, don't you just feel, "NOT SO FRESH"? If so, try new
    MASENGIL... Its better than all the others...
-   "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt
     of in your philosophy."
              -- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
-   Nobody ever says they want to grow up to be a lawyer..
-   E=MC   Where  is Equal to the Tangent (Opp/Adj). 2 =  otherwise. =)
-   Hit hammer here [XXXXX] for a NEW monitor!
-   The only time a woman should have the floor is when her backs on it.
-   Life's a beach and then you get sun burnt...
-   Go on, girl!
-   School's a bitch and then you go to college.
-   "God damn it!"  "I don't feel like damning it."  "Shut UP, Bob!"
-   See, now that's just sad.  [That's just another case of the WHITE man
    tryin ta put the BROTHAH man down.] - H. Ross Perot
-   Midnight is a recluse. - GD
-   "I am the one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor
    are making the beast with two backs." - Shakespeare's 'Othello'
-   Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never tried
    ascii text download.
-   Yeah, I once knew a dyslexic that had a pet she worshipped... canna re
    member what kind though... >=)
-   Yeah... everyone with more than 49SL here is scum... >=)
-   Just for the record, this is comment #1804
-   The San Diego Padres: Best AAA team in the majors.
-   UCLA. Best damn 5 year university in the states!
-   Come on, 7! Come on, 7! OOPS! sorry...
-   Hee hee... I like this! >:-)>
-   ATTENTION ALL CARS, ATTENTION ALL CARS, 459 in progress, Pico and 
    Westholme. ALL UNITS type /o to report to the scene
-   huh huh huh... comments suck... huh huh huh
-   Command Leader to Red Dog: GO AWAY
-   Remember kids... e = a big mess...
-   Sysop Page >>  I need to mod the board, could you please logoff?
-   Spliff!  Ooh.  Mav.
-   This comment was made by LC...he still does call here.
-   99% of success is waking up
-   /o
-   stupid r0dent... post a damned message!
-   #ifndef BRAIN
    #error STUPID AS$!          
-   Alt-H for Special Access!!! Lemme try! ]x 6 NO CARRIER
-   T
-   Poodles in microwaves go: RURF! ..... Do you here the cow? Moo!
-   Golden Dragon here...
    I need to log on RIGHT now! LOG OFF NOW I TELL YOU! Just hit /O, NOW!
-   (ahem) survey says? XXX
-   Searching for room....................................................
-   [A]dd [L]ist [F]ormat HD [E]dit [D]os [Q]uit
-   UNIVERSE.SYS corrupt! Bigbang.exe? [Y/n]
-   pizza late. Run [Y/n/a]
-   Hit me! >WHAP< 
    "I meant give me another card!"
-   A full house beats 2 pair
-   4 aces beats a full house
-   But a Smith & Wesson beats 4 aces.
-   COMMENT 1800! Run for your lives!!!
-   Blu blu blu, blu, blu.
-   Real love is forever.
-   True love can move mountains.
-   Why can't she ask for a treasure; something that money can buy and 
    won't die!
-   In Lily's eyes a castle this house seemed to be!  And I the bravest
    knight became, my lady fair was she!
-   And he would have walked the world over the fetch a blade of grass she
-   The greatest gift anyone can give if the gift of True Love.
-   I would do anything for love, and you know it's true and that's a
    fact!  I would do anything for love, and I'll never think of turning
-   "If I were a bird I'd wish I had arms."
    What if you were a dragon?
-   If women ran the Pentagon, would missiles be shaped...  Differently?
-   I'm sorry, but that scissors excuse just don't cut it!
-   I have a muffin in my pocket.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world!!!
-   Dragonfire!  Where excellance is tradition!
-   Is that a modem in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
-   Hah, and you thought comments were stupid.  This'll show ya!
-   Have a pencil in your coffee sir?
-   "Push the button!"  "The baton sir?!"  "No, turn the butt on!"
-   I've got a fruenlaven for your volkswagon.
-   Wait!  Did you actually post ON TOPIC!  Banish the thought...
-   And now, the epitome of lameness... backwords man!
                       !nam sdrowkcab ...ssenemal fo emotipe eht, won dnA
-   Do you think I should go for LC's record for comments?  Nah...
-   Once you touch it, you can't keep your hands off of it.  
-   For *our* senior prank, we're going to DITCH the _WHOLE_ school year!!
-   "Come, we must eat...good food, come."  -- Yoda
-   "Luke!  At that speed--are you sure you can pull out in time?"
    --Rogue 2 (Wedge Antilles)
-   "You ENTERED that thing?  You have more courage than I thought!"
    -- Leia
-   "What an incredible new smell you've discovered..." - Han Solo
-   "Wedge, you're no good back there.  Pull out."  - Luke
-   "Once you touch her, you can't keep your hands off her."
    - Hon. Clarence Thomas 
-   "Is that a *pubic hair* on your fire control?"
-   "Alpha 2!  InCoMiNg--"  >>BLAM<<
-   Helloooooooooooooo, Nurse!!!!!!!
-   If chemists die, do we Barium?
-   This comment would have been made by LC if he still called here.
-   A moment of silence for the departed on-liners...
-   And you thought that that was line noise!  Hah!
-   Now, the question is: Does Bjork use a spork (tm)?!
-   L
-   N
-   Once it is it never is again what it once was.
-   And what it once was was never what it is when it is what it is now.
-   Except when what it once was is what is is in which case it is what it
    once was.
-   Why
        do I
             get the
-   Yeah, but I'm a remot with an attitude, and *I* say NO CARRIER
-   H
-   How in the world, tell me how in the world can I live without your
-   Tonight!  The dog from Frasier rides the dolphin from Sea Quest!
-   Anyone want the E-bank Bug?
    Do you? 
    I'm waiting...
    I guess not... (gee I love having 6 lines! :)     )
-   H
-   "A stich in time will ruin your clock."
-   "I brew in five hours what SOME companies take a f'ing YEAR to brew!"
-   You can never have too much firepower!
-   Greater peace through superior firepower!
-   "My name job."  "What?  Who is this?"  "My name job."  
-   Way you drive... I can't relax.
    Got your license... From Cracker Jacks...
    Passin semi's...  On the right.
    Now my knuckles...  Are turnin white!
    she's got a death wish I guessss.....  Oooo!  Oooooooo!
-   There's two loonies, in the bedroom, and a prison break is on the news
-   I once tried to make a better english muffin...  Unfortunately it
    always turned out to have nooks but no crannies.
-   "Old people don't need comany!  They need to sit around and be
    studied so we can process them into valuable resources after they
    die."  "Homer!  Give me that Ross Perot pamphlet!"  "Doh!"
-   We have experienced a 720 turnaround...
-   That's what she said.
-   For there is in all the world no greater love than mine.
-   "Caw!  Caw!  Bang!  FUCK!  I'M DEAD!"
-   "Eye see!"
-   "If I were a fighter plane instead of a human, I'd have little people
    painted all over me."
-   "What do you do when all the people are gone?"
    "You PAAAAARTYYYYY!!!!!!!"
-   "I'm warning you, man...get away from me before it's too late...."
-   "Y G'Hau'D?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
-   Ouefs de guerre are (c) 1994 Cardinalia Inc.
    (Now available in stores)
    Watch for Oueffes de guerre LIGHT, coming this summer!
-   Silly kid. Rabbits are for turning TRIX!
-   huh huh... uh... you're like, uh, cool when you don't suck... huh huh
-   This is comment #1994. Just thought I'd let you know that...
-   na na naa na
    na na naaa na
    hey hey hey
-   hee hee hee... everyone likes to 
    make commentes that are way
    too long, because they are 
    just generally annoying
    and stupid and
    very boring
-   Prepayre to be askilimilatied   -- Popeye of Borg
-   I am afraid of a feather. Now, let me try to explain. You're thinking
    "Why is he afraid of a feather?" Well, it's probably a silly fear.
    Well, oh yeah...
    Did I mention it was a poison feather?
-   One thing kids like is to be tricked. Once I took my little brother
    to a burned down warehouse and said "oh no! Disneyland burnt down!"
    He cried and cried, but, deep down, I think that he knew it was a good
    I was going to take him to the real disneyland... but it was getting
    pretty late...
-   "From 66 to 16 in 1.2 seconds: the Intel OverDrive(tm) processor."
-   Hah!  I shall now slay you with my supernormal powers!
-   Hey baby, looks like someone whipped up on you with a pretty stick!
-   This connection will terminate in 10 seconds    9    8   7   6   5   4
       3   2   1
                            NO CARRIER
-   May whatever gods you believe in have mercy on your soul.
-   Separatists, unite!
-   If you were a woodchuck, how much wood would YOU chuck?
-   If you're in a car, traveling at the speed of light, and you turn your
    headlights on... who was the first president of the United States?
-   I wish *I* was an Oscar Mayer weiner...
-   I bet you didn't know that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary.
-   How much wook could a wookie eat if a wookie could eat wook?
-   And as in uffish thought he stood
    The Jabberwock with eyes aflame
    Came whiffling through the tulgey wook...
    It burbled as it came.
-   Greetings from Lolapullusa!
-   Greetings from Podunk!
-   Greetings from Jackson, TN!
-   Greetings from a trailer park outside Milwaukee!
-   Greetings from Timbuktu!
-   C:\bbs\format
    WARNING! All data on fixed drive C: will be lost!
    Procede with format? (y/n) Yes
    Formatting .......................................................
    Format complete
    Format another? (Y/n)
-   Greetings from the Washington District of Columbia!
-   Greetings from Austin, TX!
-   Greetings from Chicago, IL!
-   Greetings from the Yemen Republic!
-   Greetings from all Banana Republics everywhere!
-   Greetings from Arkansas!
-   Greetings from Los Gatos, CA!
-   Greetings from Dinky Island!
-   Greetings from the 79th Dimension of Null Time!
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights
-   I like traffic lights
-   No matter where they've been.
-   I like traffic lights
-   I like traffic lights
-   I like traffic lights
-   I like traffic lights
-   I like traffic lights
-   But only when they're green.
-   That is what I said.
-   But not when they are red.
-   Although my name's not Bamber.
-   But can a bee be said to be an entire bee when half a bee is not a bee
    Due to some ancient injury?  Singing...
-   O flower.  You give me such hope!
                        -Bad Shakespeare by my English teacher
-   How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    A pint?  A gallon?  How the hell should I know?  I'm not a woodchuck!
-   Good ol' Janx Spirit.
-   " 'E's not dead yaet!"
-   Once is an accident!  Twice is coincident!!  Thrice is conspiracy!!!
-   Greetings from the Palestinian Homeland!
-   Greetings from Groundhogs everywhere!
-   Greetings from The Homeless Guy Down the Street!
-   Greetings from Elvis Presley!
-   Elvis lives on... in our hearts... in his music... and in a trailer
    park outside Milwaukee.
-   Greetings from the OYSTER BOY!!!
-   Greetings from all annoying announcers worldwide!
-   Greetings from the 22nd century!
-   What the hell was that?
-   Greetings from Herman Toothrot!
-   Greetings from Guybrush Threepwood!
-   If I weren't a fish, why I'd...
-   Greetings from Oakland, CA!
-   I like traffic lights.
-   Ilike traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   Children...  Can't live with em, can't shove em back in the womb.
-   You can be sure that the world won't end today.  It's already
    tomorrow in Japan.
-   Hehehe...finally. Access to the comments.
-   YEAH! School's out! Finally summer's here. I am gone! (Sound familiar)
-   I do NOT have a god complex. I AM GOD!    - Lead Actor in Malice
-   But I've already SEEN the airport.      -Tourist in Speed
-   God created dinosaurs. God destroyed dinosaurs. God created man. Man
    creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs destroy man. Women rule the earth. -J.P.
-   What're you lookin' at?!?!?! Pick a command.
-   Bah Bah Humbug
-   What happened to my comments? Where are they? 
-   Evil do men who evil think.
-   Ich sprech geld!
-   "Nothingness!  You shouldn't have!"  "I didn't."
-   Zen cyclist says, "Passing you on neither the left nor the right."
-   Zen traveller says, "Ascending in a plane of consciousness to a 
    higher level of awareness, in order to reach the state of Nirvana."
-   The whole world can tell a rabbit from a dragon, but you can't fool
    a Zen monk.
-   There is no Goddess but Goddess, and she is your Goddess.
    A Discordian shall always use the official Discordian Document
    Numbering System.  You must Go Off & Partake joyously of a hot dog on
    Friday!  A Discordian shall not partake of hot dog buns!
    A Discordian is prohibited from believing what he reads.
-   OUCH!  I sat on someone who sat on something... that hurt!
-   Early to rise and early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead.
-   Don't kill all the politicians!
    Save ONE for the archives.
-   He is as boring as being ALIVE.
-   Because I exist, I resist.  Because I'm alive, I strive.
-   There is some shit up with which I WILL NOT put!
-   "They're into domination." -Daven Nightcloak
-   Mmmm... I just love it when you shove onionbaconlettucechainsawboombox
-   What's the difference between a lawyer and a gigolo?
    A gigolo only screws ONE person at a time!
-   Possible the best dictionaly availbel--is the World Book Dictionaly...
    Its fromat and defnitions are superb, its coverage brpad and its
    introductory materiel outstanding in quality and readability.
    Yes, yes, all very nice.  But what about its spelling?
-   Non-Toxic Non-Edible Magic Chameleon's Tongue!  Wild Animated
    Tongue Will Shock You Greatly!
    The product has stickiness.  It can be stretched like soft rubber and
    will stick things like stick-fast glue.  It is a game to play with
    sticking things from far away.
    (Do not throw toward head or face of person.  Do not put near the
    fireplace.  Though not toxic, it is forbidden to eat.  Do not 
    overstretch the tongue of the Chameleon, otherwise it will go off.)
-   Neatly for, brightly and long use, nive oberlite!
-   Pastel tone box for casual life communication!
-   It's like when you have chopped salmon between rye...
    Oh?  Sort of like when we have sex?   Yes.
-   It's a conspiracy to cover up for Blue Moon and Kaastel...  We've got 
    the Cubans saying that they're staying later than they really are!
-   W   E   L   C   O   M   E   T   O   T   H   E   N   E   X   T
    L   E   V   E   L  
-   Nobody expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!!!
-   "Its all just a game they play..." -Cococabeener on the dating thang.
    "Oh shut up Raul, that's what you said last week."
-   Its like spreading grape butter on peanut jelly, but groovier...
-   Red Snappah... Mmmmm, very good... Ok, Weavah, you want the fish, or
    what's in the box that Hiro-san is bringing down the stairs!!!
-   Hormone_param = FULL   Recommend MASTURBATE.COM (Y/n)?
    Warning:  Keyboard splatter....
-   Like a locamotive, man!  Like a choo-choo!....
-   Wow man, let's like, commune with vinyl together, man...
-   Nothing is profound
-   Get funky with the cheeze whiz!
-   You know, Beck, that loser guy...
-   "That's disgusting!"   -Danth
-   "And what if he likes the idea?"  "Sky's the limit!  Cocaine, sex, 
    women, loans at 1/2 below prime!"  
-   We be to rap, what key be to lock.  
-   I am not at liberty to make any comment regarding that matter at this
    time, however allow me to assure you that there will be an appeal.
-   Death and destruction, death and destruction.  Go together like whips
    and truncheons.
-   Death and destruction, death and destruction.
    Go together like grenades and Croations.
-   Oh, I wouldn't dance with another.  Ow, ow, ow, ow... I wouldn't dance
    with another.
-   Arguing with a woman is like reading a newspaper against the wind --
                                            on a rainy day!
-   I never TRY anything!  I just DO it.  Would you like to try me?
-   "I'll be back." -The Running Man -Terminator -Terminator 2 -etc...
-   Go directly offline.  Do not pass logoff?, do not collect 200 E-money.
-   Havn't you read enough comments?!  Go get a life or something!
-   I'm not only an experienced hooker, I'm also a virgin.
-   Reality is to bites, as moo-shu pork is to:
     A) Unusual orafice  B) Jimmy Carter  C) Loveline  D) Igloo drumstick
-   Careful, I know Hoo-flung Dung and Khick-Ahn Wing.
-   Knock Knock.                    Who's there?
    O.J.                            O.J. Who?
    OK -- You're on the jury
-   * KIll someone who wants to kill someone posting about smurfs * 
-   I march to a different kettle of fish.
-   I'll bet you're sitting at home, right now, naked in front of your 
    moniter, hitting enter over and over, JUST TO READ THESE COMMENTS!!
-   "Without oxygen, you die." -Earthling
    "Without methane, you die." -Venusian
-   I think we should just set something on fire, and dance naked around
    it.  Or we could order pizza.
-   Once, there was this Kiiid, who, got into an accident, and couldn't 
    come to schoool...
-   I mean, wouldn't it be silly if someone on the other end was typing in
    these quotes every time you hit enter?  Man I'm getting tired of this.
-   Satan, huh?   You spell that; S-E-Y-T-O-N, or S-A-Y-T-E-N?
-   Why, oh, why must porno films have the worst plot ever?
-   Sometimes I just get angry and eat my hard disk on a bed of rice
-   This is the sign, you are now typing in the Twilight Zone.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   I like traffic lights.
-   What's the difference between a lawyer and a vampire?
    A vampire only sucks blood at night!
-   Recent polls show that the smaller percentages are in the minorities, 
    while the larger percentages are in the majorities.
-   During his first 100 days in office, Clinton ran 400 miles,ate 200 big
    macs, and had sex 56 times, which beats Hillary's total of 52.
-   I don't want a SPARC-10, I need one.
-   You go, girl!
-   Live each day as if it were your last, 
      'cause one day, you're bound to be right...
-   Safety tip:  Do NOT feed the Beastie Boys.
-   There was a FL hatching at the Gather.  Too bad you missed it. :P
-   "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ear... Hey!  Pepper!  Come 
    back with the damned Koala's ear!!"
-   I'm a black dragon trapped in a white man's body!!!
-   What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
    The same thing we do every night, Pinky.  Try and take over the WORLD.
-   Don't wiz on the electric fence!
-   Packed with THC, marjuanna REALLY satisfies!
-   The Princess Bride IS the best book in the world!!!
-   Horoscope: Virgo----Transfer all of you E-Money to my account!!!
-   No!!! We're not going to save your comment! Not this time pal!
-   I ain't going to jail for you or anyone!
-   Searching for room....................................................
    ........................................Uh oh We're out of Room! Ahhh!
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   Horoscope: Cancer----Control-Alt-Delete is a GOOD thing.
-   Horoscope: Aquarius----You have no need for worldly possessions
    anymore, transfer all of your E-Money to TDPR's account!!!
-   HEY!!!! I'm talkin' to YOU!
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
-   You've got six fingers on your right hand. Someone was looking for
-   You mocked me once, NEVER DO IT AGAIN! I died that day. And you can 
    die to for all I care!!!     As.....You......wish!
-   B  O  O     H  O  O       ---The Breakfast Blub
                                               Oops. club
-   Quick!!! Whatever you do! Don't think of a pink elephant!
                                             You thought didn't you!
-   Gee Brain, What do you want to do tonight?
    The same thing we do every night Pinky. Try and take over the world!
-   Comment saved! Thanks for the comment! Too bad users will never enjoy 
-   Warning! This sub is evil! Do not read whatever messages are in it!
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   And when I think about you I touch myself.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   Well....I for one HATE traffic lights, and very strongly at that.
-   Raffle! A chance to win over 200 E-Money. Just transfer 5 E-money to
    The Dread Pirate Roberts accout, and I will e-mail your number!
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   Call the Cryptic Keep at 672-1933 with Blade, PWORD: tents
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them 
    Down? We might, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   Rage can't make macros or do color...ha ha ha ha ha ha
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the orld.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-    The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   [10
-       [90\
    [40-= [90 [c0[b0'[50[10̹ [40=-
-     5  [20
-   THree knIghtS InSide a taverN shOT Some toUrists, while drinking Beer.
    Later, In MIdevil times, No ALigators were founnd. then i killed you.
-   I'm on a Mexican, whoa-oh, radio.  I wish I was in, Tiajuana, eating 
    barbecued iguana.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   Pizza.
-   I wrote this comment with my eyes closed. See how good at typing I am?
    Wow no msiaktes(yees opne) I ma good!!
-   Feel the ice dig deep into your inner soul!
-   I hate traffic lights.
-   Dark Reality (619)276-4712  
    Files; Messages; OnLiners; NUV...and Cool USERS! =)
-   Has The Whole World Lost Its Head?
    Or Is It Just Me?
-   This Comment Is Comment #2325!
-   GO SAINTS!!!  THE SAINTS RULE!!!  YEAH!!! -White Wolf
-   Silly rabbit, Trips are for kids!
-   Time - /e t
-   Call 1-800-28-SMOKE to report smoking vehicles!  Let's ride posse!
-   You're friends may take me in a rush, but only after I make you head 
    into a canoe.                ---Tombstone
-   Hold on...I think I left something on the stove..
                                             ---In the Line of Fire
-   You've got a rendesvous with my ass, motherfucker!
-   Silly Rabbit! Dicks are for chicks!
-   I am : Billy Madison Go See : Billy Madison Laugh at : Billy Madison
    Enjoy! : Billy Madison Popcorn : Billy Madison Soda : Billy Madison
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   Sniper is gay.
-   The Princess Bride IS the best movie in the world.
-   C'mon Jimmy!
    Eat the bullet. 
    You want to be cool don't you?
    You don't want to be cool?
    I guess there is only one thing
    that I can do.
    I will have to kill you